机械工程学会焊接青委会委员,国家自然科学基金委工程科学二处基金项目评议专家,IIW国际焊接工程师认证专业考官。先后主持了国家自然科学基金(两项)、教育部博士点基金、甘肃省杰出青年基金及校企合作横向课题等7项,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目与面上项目3项。以第一作者或通讯联系人身份发表SCI收录论文20余篇,EI收录4篇。所发表的论文包括工程技术类顶尖杂志Acta Mater.(国际冶金领域排名第一)等,涵盖Elsevier, Wiley, Springer三大主流数据库,作为评审专家多次受邀于国际知名学术期刊J. Alloys Compd., Composite B, JMR,Mater. Des.等,The Scientific World J.,Scanning特刊客座编辑。
1. 金属的高温润湿性及润湿行为;
2. 异种金属连接过程中的界面行为。
[1] Peng Jin, Ran Sui, Fuxiang Li, Weiyuan Yu, Qiaoli Lin, “Reactive wetting of TC4 titanium alloy by molten 6061 and 4043 Al alloys”, Acta Metall. Sin. 2017, 53: 479-486.
[2] Qiaoli Lin, Fuxiang Li, Peng Jin, Weiyuan Yu, “Reactive wetting of Ti−6Al−4V alloy by molten Al 4043 and 6061 alloys at 600−700 °C” Int. J. Mater. Res. 2017, 108: 477-485.
[3] Qiaoli Lin, Guodi Zhang, “Electrocapillary Deformation and Electric Voltage Induced Flow of Liquid Wood Alloy in NaOH Aqueous Solution” Mater. Trans. 2017, 58: 795-798.
[4] Qiaoli Lin, Weiqiang Zhong, Fuxiang Li, Weiyuan Yu, “Reactive wetting of tin/steel and tin/aluminum at 350-450 oC” J. Alloys Compd. 2017, 716, 73-80.
[5] Qiaoli Lin, Peng Jin, Rui Cao, Jianhong Chen, “Reactive wetting of low carbon steel by Al 4043 and 6061 alloys at 600–750 °C”, Surface & Coat. Technol., 2016, 302: 166-172.
[6] Qiaoli Lin, Gaojun Mao, Qian Huang, Rui Cao, Jianhong Chen, Effect of Zn Vaporization on Wetting of Al Ggalvanized Steel in Cold Metal Transfer Proces”, J. Iron Steel Res., Int., 2016, 23, 60.
[7] Qiaoli Lin, Chenzong Zeng, Rui Cao, Jianhong Chen, “The spreading simulation of molten Al alloy on Q235 steel in the first cycle of cold metal transfer process." Int. J. Heat Mass Trans. 2016, 96, 118-124.
[8] Qiaoli Lin*, Rui Cao, “Characteristics of spreading dynamics for adsorption wetting at high temperatures,” Comp. Mater. Sci., 2015, 99, 29-32.
[9] Qiaoli Lin, Yanlin Zhou, Rui Cao, Jianhong Chen*, “Wetting of steel by Al 4043 alloys in cold metal transfer process,” Sci. Tech. Weld. Joining, 2015, 20, 454-59.
[10] Qiaoli Lin, Fan Yang, Rui Cao, Jianhong Chen, “Wetting and interfacial characteristics of mg AZ61 alloy/galvanized steel in cold metal transfer process” Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 2015, 46, 3793-3796.
[11] Qiaoli Lin, Ran Sui, “Wetting of carbide ceramics (B4C, SiC, TiC and ZrC) by molten Ni at 1753 K”, J. Alloys & Compd. 2015, 649, 505-514.
[12] Qiaoli Lin*, Ran Sui, “Precursor film in the wetting of Zr-base alloys on ZrC substrate at 1253 K,” Thin Solid Films, 2014, 558, 231-236.
[13] Zhou Yanlin, Qiaoli Lin*, “Wetting of galvanized steel by Al 4043 alloys in the first cycle of CMT process” J. Alloys Compd. 2014, 589, 307-313.
[14] Qiaoli Lin*, Ran Sui, “Wetting and spreading dynamics in the Cu-Me alloy/B4C systems,” Ceram. Int. DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2015.03.016.
[15] Qiaoli Lin*, Ran Sui, “Wetting of B4C by molten Ni at 1753 K,” J. Alloys & Compd. 2013, 556, 274.
[16] Qiaoli Lin*, Ran Sui, “Wetting of B4C by molten Ni–Ti alloys at 1753 K,” J. Alloys & Compd. 2013, 577, 37.
[17] Qiaoli Lin, Ping Shen*, Longlong Yang, Shenbao Jin, Qichuan Jiang, “Wetting of TiC by molten Al at 1123-1323 K,” Acta Mater. 2011, 59, 1898.
[18] Qiaoli Lin, Ping Shen*, Longlong Yang, Feng Qiu, Qichuan Jiang, “Warping of triple line in the wetting of B4C by a Cu-1at.% Cr alloy,” Surf. Interface Anal. 2011, 43, 1360.
[19] Qiaoli Lin, Ping Shen*, Feng Qiu, Dan Zhang, Qichuan Jiang, “Wetting of polycrystalline B4C by molten Al at 1173-1473 K,” Scripta Mater., 2009, 60, 960.
[20] Ping Shen*, Qiaoli Lin, Qichuan Jiang, Hidetoshi Fujii, Kiyoshi Nogi, “Reactive wetting of polycrystalline TiC by molten Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 metallic glass alloy, ” J. Mater. Res., 2009, 24, 2420.
[21] 张国堤,李富祥,陈剑虹,曹睿,林巧力,Wood液态合金在NaOH溶液中的电化学反应及表面张力变化行为,化工学报,2017, 68, 1122-1128.
[22] 靳鹏,林巧力,曹睿,陈剑虹,4043/6061铝合金-Q235钢的反应润湿行为与前驱膜形成机制,中国表面工程,2016, 29, 116-121.
[23] 曾承宗,林巧力,曹睿,陈剑虹,冷金属过渡条件下AZ61镁合金在两种钢板上的润湿行为,材料工程,2017, 45, 21-26.
[24] 曾承宗,林巧力,曹睿,陈剑虹,冷金属过渡下熔融铝合金在钢板上润湿铺展的数值模拟,焊接学报,2017, 38, 57-61.
[25] 杨帆,林巧力,周彦林,曹睿,冷金属过渡条件下镁-钢的润湿动力学特征及界面结构,焊接学报,2016, 37, 45-48.
[26] 陈峰,刘国辉,林巧力,曹睿,董浩,车洪艳,347不锈钢表面堆焊690镍基合金电化学腐蚀性能研究,动力工程学报,2016, 36, 326-330.
[27] 周彦林,林巧力,曹睿,陈剑虹,冷金属过渡条件下4043 铝合金在不同钢板上的润湿行为,焊接学报,2016, 37, 115-119.
[28] 周彦林,林巧力,曹睿,陈剑虹,铝钢冷金属过渡焊接界面的组织特征及热力学分析,热加工工艺,2015, 44, 40-46.
[29] 隋然,林巧力,Zr基合金/ZrC在1253K下的润湿行为及前驱膜形成条件研究,中国科技论文,2015, 10, 492-494.
[30] Longlong Yang, Ping Shen*, Qiaoli Lin, Feng Qiu, Qichuan Jiang, “Effect of Cr on the wetting in Cu/graphite system”, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2011, 257, 6276;
[31] Shenbao Jin, Ping Shen, Qiaoli Lin, Lei Zhan, Qichuan Jiang, “Growth mechanism of TiCx during SHS in an Al-Ti-C system”, Cryst. Growth Des., 2010, 10, 1590;
[32] Ping Shen, Dan Zhang, Qiaoli Lin, Laixin Shi, Qichuan Jiang, “Wetting of polycrystalline MgO by molten Mg under evaporation”, Mater. Chem. Phys., 2010, 122, 290;
[33] Ping Shen, Dan Zhang, Qiaoli Lin, Laixin Shi, Qichuan Jiang, “Wetting of Polycrystalline α-Al2O3 by Molten Mg in Ar Atmosphere”, Metall. Mater, Trans. A, 2010, 41A, 1621;
[34] Longlong Yang, Ping Shen*, Qiaoli Lin, Feng Qiu, Qichuan Jiang, “Wetting of porous graphite by Cu-Ti alloys at 1373 K”, Mater. Chem. Phys., 2010, 124, 499;
[35] Feng Qiu, Ping Shen, Tao Liu, Qiaoli Lin, Qichuan Jiang, “Electronic structure and phase stability during martensitic transformation in Al-doped ZrCu intermetallics”, J. Alloys Compd., 2010, 491(1-2), 354;
[36] Ping Shen, Xiaohong Zheng, Qiaoli Lin, Dan Zhang, Qichuan Jiang, “Wetting of polycrystalline α-Al2O3 by molten Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 metallic glass alloy,” Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 2009, 40, 444;
[37] Ping Shen, Dan Zhang, Xiaohong Zheng, Qiaoli Lin, Qichuan Jiang, “Wetting of polycrystalline W by molten Zr55Al10Ni5Cu30 alloy,” Mater. Chem. Phys., 2009, 115, 322;
[38] Tao Liu, Ping Shen, Feng Qiu, Qiaoli Lin, Shenbao Jin, Qichuan Jiang, “Microstructures and mechanical properties of ZrC reinforced (Zr-Ti)-Al-Ni-Cu glassy composites by an in-situ reaction,” Adv. Eng. Mater. 2009, 11(5), 392;
[39] Xiaohong Zheng, Ping Shen*, Xianhe Han, Qiaoli Lin, Feng Qiu, Yefei Zhang, Qichuan Jiang, “Wettability and reactivity between B4C and molten Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 metallic glass alloy,” Mater. Chem. Phys., 2009,117, 377;
[40] Laixin Shi, Ping Shen*, Dan Zhang, Qiaoli Lin, Qichuan Jiang, “Wetting and evaporation behaviors of water-ethanol sessile drops on PTFE surfaces,” Surf. Interface Anal., 2009, 41, 951;
[41] Tao Liu, Ping Shen, Feng Qiu, Zhongfa Yin, Qiaoli Lin, Qichuan Jiang and Tao Zhang, “Synthesis and mechanical properties of TiC-reinforced Cu-based bulk metallic glass composites,” Scripta Mater. 2009, 60, 84.