

发布时间:2018-06-29 00:00:00 阅读量: 来源:  作者: 






1997/09-2001/06 甘肃工业大学铸造专业学习并获得学士学位

2004/09-2007/04  西北工业大学凝固技术国家重点实验室攻读硕士学位

2010/09-2014/06 兰州理工大学材料加工工程专业攻读博士学位


甘肃省科技厅入库专家、西北四省电子显微镜学会常务理事、甘肃省机械工程学会材料热处理与表面工程分会理事、《精密成形工程》编委、中国有色金属产业技术创新战略联盟专家委员会委员、Acta Materialia/Journal of Alloys and Compounds/Materials and Characterics等多个国际期刊审稿人。

● 科学研究与教育教学



● 科研项目及研究生指导

项目:2021/01-2024/12 国家自然科学基金地区基金,高熵合金孕育Al-Si合金微观组织调控及强韧化机制研究,主持






● 奖励

1)李庆林, 住玉乾, 李斌强, . 轻质活塞用铝硅合金的组织细化及性能研究, 甘肃省冶金有色工业科技进步二等奖, 2018.

2)李庆林, 申永前, 刘德学,. 稀土变质过共晶铝硅合金微观组织调控及形核机制研究,甘肃省机械工程学会科学技术二等奖, 2018.

● 论文

[1] Qinglin Li, Yuqian Zhu, Shang Zhao, et al. Influences of Fe, Mn and Y additions on microstructure and mechanical properties of hypoeutectic Al-7%Si alloy[J]. Intermetallics, 2020, 120: 106768.

[2] Qinglin Li, Yuqian Zhu, Binqiang Li, et al. Influences of Al-20Si-2.5Fe-2Mn master alloy additions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of hypereutectic Al-20Si alloys[J]. International Journal of Metalcasting, 2020, 14: 409-422.

[3] Qinglin Li, Xiaodong Ma, Binqiang, et al. Influences of different Zr/Sc ratios on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-2Si alloy[J]. Journal of Rare Earth. 2021, 39: 105-102.

[4] Qinglin Li, Binqiang Li, Jianjun Liu, et al. Modification of hypereutectic Al-20wt.%Si alloy based on the addition of yttrium and Al-5Ti-1B modifiers mixing melt[J]. International Journal of Metalcasting, 2019, 13: 367-383.

[5] Qinglin Li, Shang Zhao, Binqiang Li, et al. Modification of multi-component Al-Si casting piston alloys by addition of rare earth yttrium[J]. Materials Research Express, 2019, 6: 106525.

[6] Qinglin Li, Yuqian Zhu, Binqiang Li, et al. Effect of iron addition on the microstructures and properties of hypereutectic Al-20%Si alloy [J]. Materials Research Express, 2019, 6: 016506.

[7] Qinglin Li, Binqiang Li, Jinbao Li, et al. Effect of yttrium addition on the microstructures and mechanical properties of hypereutectic Al-20Si alloy[J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2018, 722: 47-57.

[8] Qinglin Li, Jinbao Li, Binqiang Li, et al. Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of Al-20%Si alloy modified by rare earth Yb[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2018, 27: 3498-3507.

[9] Qinglin Li, Jinbao Li, Binqiang Li, et al. Effect of samarium(Sm) addition on the microstructure and tensile properties of Al-20%Si casting alloy[J]. International Journal of Metalcasting, 2018, 12: 554-564.

[10] Qinglin Li, Binqiang Li, Jinbao Li, et al. Effects of the additions of Mg on the microstructure and mechanical properties of hypereutectic Al-7%Si alloy[J]. International Journal of Metalcasting, 2017, 11: 823-830.

[11] 李庆林, 李斌强, 李进宝, . 混合稀土对过共晶Al-20Si合金显微组织与力学性能的影响[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2017, 27(12): 2443-2450.

[12] Qinglin Li, Yuqian Zhu, Jinbao Li, et al. Influence of Yb and Al-Ti-B complex modification on the microstructure and performance of hypereutectic Al-Si casting alloys[J].Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2020, 49(6): 1915-1924.

[13] Qinglin Li, Shang Zhao, et al. Effect of AlCoCrFeNiTi high-entropy alloy on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the pure aluminum[J]. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2020, 52, 1-11.

[14]Qinglin Li, Shang Zhao, et al. A novel modifier on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-7Si alloys[J]. Materials Letters, 2019, 251, 156-160.

[15]Qinglin Li, Xuepeng Bao, et al. The inuence of AlFeNiCrCoTi high-entropy alloy on microstructure, mechanical properties and tribological behaviors of aluminum matrix composites[J]. International Journal of Metalcasting, 2021, 15, 281-291.

[16]Qinglin Li, Shaomiao Shi, et al. Study on low velocity cyclic impact wear of amorphous carbon films withdifferent mechanical properties[J]. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2020, 402, 126339

[17]Qinglin Li, Yushi Zhang, et al. The effect of Sc addition on the novel nano-AlCu phase in as-cast Al-5%Cu alloy[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 831, 154739

[18] Qinglin Li, Xiaodong Ma, et al. Preparation of a new capsule phase change material for high temperature thermal energy storage[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 868, 159179.

● 授权发明专利

[1]李庆林, 李斌强, 李进宝, . 一种变质过共晶铝硅合金及其制备方法, ZL201611175816.3.

[2]李庆林, 李进宝, 李斌强, . 基于稀土铈变质的减摩耐磨过共晶铝硅合金制备方法, ZL201610844886.7.

[3]李庆林, 住玉乾, 李进宝, . 一种复合变质过共晶铝硅合金及其制备方法, ZL201710488797.8.

[4]李庆林, 赵尚,住玉乾, . 高熵合金孕育铝硅合金制备工艺, ZL201811167681.5.