
发布时间:2025-02-26 10:37:02 阅读量: 来源: 作者:







1. 高熵碳化物的结构设计及抗烧蚀性

2. 多孔陶瓷的制备

3. 碳材料的结构优化




1. 甘肃省青年科技基金项目,23JRRA777,难熔高熵碳化物原位第二相复合与性能调控,2023-72025-74万元,在研,主持

2. 2024年高校教师创新基金项目,高熵碳化物结构优化及其高温抗烧蚀行为,2024-32026-35.5万元,在研,主持

3. 博士启动金,兰州理工大学,2022-102032-910万元,在研,主持



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[2] Diqiang Liu, Aijun Zhang, Jiangang Jia, Junyan Zhang, Junhu Meng, Reaction synthesis and characterization of a new class high entropy carbide (NbTaMoW)C, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 804 (2021) 140520.

[3] Diqiang Liu, Aijun Zhang, Jiangang Jia, Junhu Meng, Phase evolution and properties of (VNbTaMoW)C high entropy carbide prepared by reaction synthesis, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 40 (2020) 2746-2751.

[4] Diqiang Liu, Yaqing Hou, Aijun Zhang, Jiesheng Han, Junyan Zhang, Junhu Meng, Hang Su, Experimental studies on critical compositions for fabricating single-phase high entropy carbides based on the calculated phase diagram of (VNbTaMoW)0.5Cx (0<x<0.6), Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 8 (2021) 037.

[5] Diqiang Liu, Yaqing Hou, Junhu Meng, Aijun Zhang, Jiesheng Han, Junyan Zhang, The significant influence of carbon content on mechanical and thermal properties of (VNbTaMoW)0.5Cx high entropy carbides, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 42 (2022) 5262-5272.

[6] Diqiang Liu, Jiangang, Jia, Yongzhi, Jing, Chang, Liu, Bo Zhang, Genshun, Ji, The Oxidation effects on microstructure and mechanical properties of Csf/α-Al2O3 composites at 1000℃, Ceramics International, 45 (2019) 9140-9146.

[7] DiqiangLiu, HongqiangZhang, XinyaYou, JiangangJia, Junhu Meng, Low temperature synthesized high entropy carbide composites: A potential high temperature anti-wear material, Ceramics International, 50 (2024) : 2111-2121.

[8] DiqiangLiu, HongqiangZhang, Guangkun Chen, XinyaYou, JiangangJia, Effects of pore microstructures on thermal and mechanical properties of porous TiC fabricated by hot press sintering, Journal of Porous Materials : 2024 (3).

[9] Diqiang Liu, Hongqiang Zhang, Weiqi Zhao, Guangkun Chen, Aihong Cui, Shujun Zang, Jiangang Jia, Tieming Guo, Characterization of stiff porous TiC fabricated by in-situ reaction of Ti with carbon derived from phenolic resin containing template, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 45(2025) 117241.

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[11] Jiangang Jia, Diqiang Liu, Sheng Zhang, Effects of CNTs content on microstructure and mechanical properties of α-Al2O3 matrix and Csf/α-Al2O3 composites. Ceramics International. (45) 2019 19956-19961.

[12] Jiangang Jia, Diqiang Liu, Changqi Gao, et al. Preparation and mechanical properties of short carbon fibers reinforced α-Al2O3-based composite[J]. Ceramics International. (44) 2018 19345–19351.


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